R. Bruce Montone
Emergency Management Consultant
A long-standing professional of 47 years, Bruce has actively served in every role in the Fire Service, from front line Volunteer Firefighter in a small northern community to Senior Executive and Chief Officer of some of Canada’s Largest Fire Services. He has served with the Province of Ontario’s oversite body within the Ministry of the Solicitor General, the Office of the Fire Marshal for almost 15 years in a variety of capacities both in the field and as a Senior Manager. Bruce has successfully led operations and administration functions improving organizational culture and performance through effective people, risk, labour relations and financial management. His extensive knowledge within emergency services includes officer development, employee wellness, performance improvement, program evaluation and management improvement. Bruce retired from the City of Windsor in 2017 but continues to assist communities and organizations in building their institutional capacity by helping them organize and restructure their public fire protection and achieve their operational and policy goals.
Current Responsibilities
Emergency Management
Years of Experience
Fire Protection Technology & Fire Prevention Technology – Ontario Fire College
Competitive Benchmarking Program & Project Management Skills –York University
Professional Designation
NFPA 1021 Professional Fire Officer III
Province of Ontario: EM 200 Basic Emergency Management, EM 300 Community Emergency Management Coordinator, IMS 100 Introduction to Incident Management Systems, IMS 200 Basic Incident Management System
Canadian Program Evaluator Society Certified
Certified Municipal Manager
Fire Service Executive
Fire Suppression Professional
Key Experience
- Organizing and establishing new Fire Departments and re-organizing of established Fire Departments.
- Preparing and conducting Municipal Officials Seminars regarding: Fire Department management, budgeting, promotional procedures, recruitment, training and prevention programs, risk management, fire station design and location, apparatus and equipment specifications, communications equipment, the Ontario Fire Code, and the Ontario Building Code.
- Special training and lectures on Critical Incident Stress, Haz-Mat & Dangerous Goods, Auto Extrication and Emergency Planning.
- Operation and administration of training, safety, communications, maintenance, and special teams.
- Strategic and long-term planning and implementation.
- Emergency site manager/Incident Commander.
- Negotiation of collective bargaining agreements.
- Development and implementation of Fire Master Plans.
- Fire Investigations, Fire Prevention, and Fire Safety Inspections.
- Awarded Fire Chief of the Year by the Ontario Association of Fire Chief’s and Hick’s Morley in 2016.
- Past Chairman of the Canadian Association of Fire Chief’s – Government Relations Committee.
- Past Chairman of the Transportation Emergencies, Rescue Committee of Canada.
- Past member of Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB), Ontario Fire Fighter Standards Process.
- Certified Assessor in the Baldridge-based method of driving Organizational Change, high performance management, organizational effectiveness, and performance.
- Ontario Municipal Management Institute CMM III.